The terrain of hope, longing, and desire must not be abandoned to the enemy (Ernst Bloch)

Photo by Anna Barclay, 13/3/25


2024 ‘L’Arte di organizzare la speranza’ In E. González & A. Zanchetta (ed), La Speranza Force Sociale Mutus Liber, Vergato-Italia. October 2024

2024                 ‘Intricacies of Prefiguration. On hope, excess, decolonising, and weaving. A conversation with Ana C Dinerstein by Maria Jose Ventura Alfaro’, ephemera, 24(1), Special Issue: Rethinking Prefiguration. Praxis beyond protest. available at

2024                 ‘The explosion of the non-contemporary’ with Beat Dietschy, Rethinking Marxism, 36(4): 426–446, 

2024                 ‘On Motley feminism: Decolonising Marxism for a thesis 14 of Marxism-feminism. Special Issue Frida Haug’s Thirteen Theses of Marxism-Feminism, Capital & Class, March 13, online ahead of print,

2024               ‘Welchen Marx/-ismus braucht die dekoloniale Theorie und Praxis?’ Das Argument Vol 342 – Dekoloniales Denken und marxistische Theorie, available at

2023                 ‘La explosión de lo no-contemporáneo. Conversando acerca de la derecha extrema, el fascismo actual, Ernst Bloch y la necesidad de un Marxismo descolonizante’ with Beat Dietschy, Constelaciones; revista de Teoría Crítica, Madrid,

2023 ‘Die Hoffnung neu gestalten: Für einen offenen und dekolonialen Marxismus. Interview mit Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, von Alejandro Mantilla, Malmo,

2023                 ‘The professor and his legacy: Introducing the Forum’. In Dinerstein A.C. (ed) ‘Forum: Celebrating Simon Clarke’, Capital & Class, 47 (2), June, available at, pp. 156-164


2026 The Global Politics of Hope. Conversations at the Bay, PM Press, Kairos, Oakland

2026 A Decolonising Marxism. Radical Subjectivity without Borders, Pluto Press, London - New York.

2025 ‘Rebellion in the plurality of times: When theory meets history’, co-authored with Andrej Grubačić. In Sun Liang and John Holloway (eds) Recent development in Open Marxism: Shaping a future conversation, in Mandarin

2025 ‘What kind of Marx/ism is needed for a decolonising theory and praxis’ In Sun Liang and John Holloway (eds) Recent development in Open Marxism: Shaping a future conversation in Mandarin


Argentina, Latin American politics, Critical theory, Ernst Bloch’s philosophy, social movements, prefigurative politics, open Marxism, political economy, capitalism, feminism, decolonial, decolonising.

Applications for the next SWDTP ESRC and URS are due in January 2026. Prepare in advance!


Welcome to Planet Hope!

While capitalism is inherently prone to crisis, the present catastrophe has touched the core of modern civilization. Capitalism's multifaceted crisis is apparent in the increasing impossibility of stopping human suffering and attaining the social reproduction of human and nonhuman life on the planet.

I am opening a new post-disciplinary research activist field of decolonial, feminist, open Marxist, and critical theory connected to/with grassroots movements' praxis: the global politics of hope. Join me! The global politics of hope (GPH) aims to recover the prefigurative role of social inquiry. One of the premises of the GPH is that the key to unlocking the critical global situation resides with those communities and social movements simultaneously resisting the multiple effects of the debacle and producing alternative concrete pedagogical, economic, cultural, political, and social practices.

Ernst Bloch’s process materialist philosophy of hope is central to my social research. I understand hope as a category of decolonial, ecological and anti-patriarchal praxis. There is an apparent disconnect between social sciences and society and an inadequacy of the concepts and approaches used to address global capital's monumental failure to promise a credible future. The GPH focuses on understanding the changes 'societies in movement' are bringing about. This task requires a fundamental renewal of our critical tools, approaches, concepts, and theories, including a critique of Western male-dominated and Eurocentric critical theory, a critique of abstract universality, and a re-conceptualization of utopia. My work focuses on the contradictory processes of transformation led by social, labour, Indigenous, urban, and rural movements, by which they create concrete utopias. The latter are multiverse, challenging patriarchal colonial capitalist social relations and creating alternative practices.

My profiles


2025 (13th of March):



April 26 - The Global Politics of Hope. Activist research for a promising world convened by DECkNO, University of Bath l-politics-of-hope-tickets-608260833527


Keynote, ‘Weaving hope in the Multiversum’ Hope Stock, May 10-12,

Hope as Praxis, Workshop, co-hosted by the ‘Diversity and Difference Platform’ Copenhagen Business School & Research for Digitalization, Diversity and Democracy of Hasselt University &Organization Studies of the School of Governance of Utrecht University. May 3


Inaugural Lecture: ‘La Esperanza en tiempos de destruccion’, La techne educativa, Facxulty of Social Science, University of Rosario, 17 Nov:

Plenary Speaker: The Challenges of Feminism, 4th Conference of Marxism-Feminism 12. November Bilbao

Plenary Speaker, Panel: Decoloniality & Degrowth at the 8th International Degrowth Conference - Caring Communities for Radical Change, August 28, ISS, The Hague.

Annual Lecture ‘Hope, Resistance and Critique: Rethinking Radical Change in the Age of Destruction,’ Studium Generale Lecture Series, AP University College, Antwerp, October 27.

13th June BUKO 39: Global Change? System Change! Global Solidarity.

April 14 at 2:00 pm - Annual lecture. Decolonising Critique. Reconnecting critical theory with radical praxis. Convened by the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, De Montfort University. Free/online event. Please register at